Social responsibility

Grievance Mechanism

1. Contents of the complaint

When interested parties file a complaint against the company's supply chain management, the complaint shall include the following contents:

1.1 Specify what matters to appeal to and why;

1.2 Attach relevant written evidence;

1.3 Specify what requirements are expected to be taken to solve the problem when making a complaint;


2. Classification of complaint information

The company shall classify and identify the received inquiry and complaint information. The complaint information is divided into general information, special, important complaint information and inadmissible information.


2.1 General information: Consultation of relevant parties on the company's responsible mineral supply chain management, questionnaire of suppliers, etc.


2.2 Special or important complaint information:

a) Information that management system does not meet RMAP requirements;

b) The company's mineral procurement involves information about the high-risk areas identified by the company. For example, find any relevant early warning signals in the supply chain indicating that any product involves serious violations related to mineral mining, processing, export, transportation or trade mentioned in the OECD guidelines, non-state armed groups, public or private security forces, bribery and fraudulent misrepresentation of mineral origin, money laundering and taxes, fees paid to the government Royalties and other information;

c) Information that the company's mineral procurement does not comply with the company's supply chain policy.


2.3 Inadmissible information:

a) Trivial, malicious, vexatious or suspected complaints for competitive advantage;

b) There is no convincing objective evidence to support the complaint.


3. Handling of complaints.


3.1 The complaint handling team shall confirm the receipt of the complaint within 10 working days after receiving the complaint , fill in the complaint information handling form, and confirm the acceptance or rejection of the complaint based on whether the complaint complies with Article 2. If the complaint is rejected, a written explanation shall be provided to the complainant and recorded in the complaint  registration form, and no further action shall be taken.


3.2 For special important complaint  information, the complaint  handling team shall investigate, review and decide the appeal or complaint within 30 working days after the decision to accept it. The processing team shall make every effort to complete the work before the deadline. In rare cases, additional time may be required.


3.3 The complaint handling team shall take reasonable measures, including convening one or more meetings, to make reasonable decisions. Examples of such measures include consulting experts, requesting additional information from the complainant or others, and the complainant's lack of cooperation can be considered a reason to suspend the procedure.


3.4 The complaint handling team shall decide by consensus whether to suspend the complaint procedure. The complaint decision shall be communicated to the complainant in writing. The complaint decision shall include: the complaint decision, how and when the complaint decision is made, any new suggestions and records of the complaint.


3.5 The office of the complaint handling team shall record the received complaint in the complaint registration form, including the following contents: who submits the complaint and when; The type, question or subject of the complaint and the information submitted with the complaint; Accept or reject the decision.


3.6 In order to avoid retaliation and other acts, we strictly keep the complainant's information confidential.


4. Channels of complaint information.

The company has designated the following staff to receive the complaint information, or through RMI's complaint mechanism to receive the information, inquiry and complaint from internal and external interested parties about the doubts related to mining, trade, processing and export in the responsible mineral supply chain.


The telephone number and email address of the contact person receiving the complaint are as follows:


Contact: Mr. Sun

Tel: + 8613382020681

Email: sunwei@rfh